The Brazilian Air Force (Força Aérea Brasileira-FAB) completed a debut flight of its C-95M Bandeirulha upgraded aircraft (Embraer SA EMB-111 Bandeirante). 54 of 95 C-95A, C-95B, C-95C, P-95A, P-95B and SC-95B light aircraft are to be upgraded until 2013 by the FAB workshop PAMA AF Parque de Material Aeronáutico dos Afonsos) and local companies including Embraer SA, Akaer Engenharia Ltda and Aeroeletrônica Lda which is owned by Elbit Systems Ltd of Israel.

The program headed by the Comando-Geral de Apoio (COMGAP) includes integration of advanced avionics such as digital maps, displays, advanced communication and navigation systems and additional systems.

The C-95Ms perform missions like maritime patrol, tactical and general transport and search and rescue.

Aeroeletrônica Lda is also involved with the production of the UT30BR remotely controlled weapon stations to be fitted in Brazilian Army Iveco Latin America Ltda VBTP-MR Guarani (Viatura Blindada Transporte de Pessoal Média de Rodas) 6×6 armoured vehicles and with the production of avionic systems to be installed on the 50 EADS Eurocopter EC 725 medium tactical transport helicopters procured by Brazil for its navy (16), army (16) and air force (18 including two VIP configured helicopters). Another project where the company is involved includes the future delivery of two HERMES 450 unmanned aircraft to the Brazilian Air Force.

(Aeroeletrônica Lda).

(Aeroeletrônica Lda).

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